The Science behind Stretching

Stretching has been an integral part of yoga and also exaltation to the yogis. However, it has invoked several questions among its practitioners, scientists and skeptics. Modern science has nevertheless deciphered the technical know-how behind all the twisting, stretching and bending involved in yoga asanas and how the benefits manifests on the practitioners.

from Yoga Buzz

Treating Vertigo with Yoga

Vertigo is a type of symptom of dizziness characterized by a sensation of spinning and misbalance due to a disturbance in the sense of balance and equilibrium in the brain. It affects the inner ear, the area that monitors the directions of motion, arising from calcium or fluid build-up or even a virus. However, it has been proven that certain yoga postures improve balance and stimulate the nervous system, thus removing vertigo from the system definitively.

from Yoga Buzz